Juvenile Probation
Juvenile Probation
3420 Mounds Rd
Anderson, IN 46017
The Mission of the Juvenile Probation Department is to Assess, Represent and Monitor justice for delinquent youth, their families, and the community. We are an A.R.M. of the Juvenile Court.   This mission is accomplished by utilizing evidenced based assessment tools to measure the risk and needs of youth; conducting thorough Preliminary Inquiries; collaborating with youth, families, schools, and other providers, and making recommendations to the Juvenile Court that balances the risk and needs of the youth with the needs of the community.Â
The Probation Department recognizes the value and potential that the youth in our community possess and works to help youth take responsibility for their decisions; overcome barriers and grow to become productive young men and women.Â
The Probation Department, as an extension of the Court, has been involved in the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative since 2014.
Records Requests and General Inquiries can be sent to: juvenileprobation@madisoncounty.in.gov