Information Technology Systems
Information Technology Systems
The Information Technology Department of the Madison County Government Center provides technology infrastructure and services to the governmental units located in the Government Center as well as several other locations.
Madison County Information Technology Systems is responsible for maintaining, troubleshooting, and repairing of computer systems, networks, technical hardware/applications, and computer programming for departments located in but not limited to the Government Center, Highway Garage, Recycle Center, Jail, Youth Center, Community Justice Center, Health Department and Job Source.
The Madison County Information Technology Systems works under the direction of the County Commissioners.
The MCITS department helps to enable county offices to more effectively use modern technology. By centralizing direct support responsibilities, as well as the management of outsourced support contracts, the MCITS department frees county offices to serve the public. The department provides services and project management for more than 400 county systems users.
MCITS is comprised of four key service areas:
Project Management
Applications Development
Administration and Finance