Clerk of the Circuit Court

Address: 16 E 9th St Mail: PO Box 1277
Anderson, IN 46016 Anderson, IN 46015
Room 213
The Madison County Clerk’s Office is responsible for the filing of public records, vital records, and court records, as well as processing child support payments, issuing marriage licenses, and providing copies of documents. The office also oversees all aspects of the election process, including receiving nominations and petitions for elections, preparing ballots, and maintaining voting equipment.
Current Local Rules - June 30, 2024
Online Clerk Options
Case information can be found at www.mycase.in.gov Pro Se Filings User accounts can be created here: https://efile.incourts.gov/OfsWeb/UserModule/Registration Filings can also be done in–person or mailed to PO Box 1277 Anderson, IN 46015
Legal documents can be found on the Resources tab, or at indianalegalhelp.org
Child Support Payments
Payments can be made directly to the State at 1–866–972–9427
Payments can be made online here: www.childsupportbillpay.com/Indiana
Judgment Payments
These can be paid online here: www.GovPayNow.com
CDC Self-Checker
Visit CDC website for the CDC self-checker information
Madison County Probate does not do Estate Verifications over the phone. Please refer to the website at www.mycase.in.gov
Marriage License
You may begin the process and apply online here: https://www.in.gov/courts/services/marriage-license/https://3f7b7403-237b-4e7e-b745-d54981035e27.usrfiles.com/ugd/918579_6248f79b3ff94b58af37d2a86f81f192.pdf