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Parks, Trails, and Open Spaces Master Plan

In November 2023 the Madison County Board of Commissioners created the Madison County Department of Parks and Recreation. The department is overseen by the Parks and Recreation Board, comprised of five community members appointed by the County Commissioners, County Council, and County Surveyor. The current board members and their respective terms are listed below.

Ben Orcutt, President
Rachel Christenson, Vice President
Nancy Anderson, Member
Tom Bannon, Member
Rob Wolfgang, Member

Jessica Bastin, Department Director

The Board generally meets on the last Thursday of each month at noon, at the Madison County Courthouse. 

In June 2024, the Indiana Department of Natural Resources approved the adopted Parks Trails, and Open Spaces Master Plan. This plan is the culmination of 18 months of research, community outreach and engagement, and collaboration to establish the foundation goals, objectives, and implementation strategies for the newly-formed department. A copy of the plan can be found here: Madison County Parks, Trails, and Open Spaces Master Plan.

As the Board and Department work towards implementing this Master Plan, we welcome your feedback. Please use this form to share your input.

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