Recorder's Office
Recorder’s Office
The Office of Recorder was the first Constitutional Office in County Government in Indiana.
Records any instrument submitted for recording, providing it meets essential requirements.
Makes all recorded documents a matter of public record.
Files Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)
Supplies copies of any instrument and certifies to those recorded upon request (See Fee Schedule).
Provides public access to all records.
Collects recording fees, and tracks the chain of title of property.
Tips on Handling Important Documents.
You should keep all important documents in a safe place.
Register or record your documents with your Recorder’s Office. This will ensure you a safe, fireproof place, and will quickly be accessible to you when you need them in the form of certified copies.
Essential Recording Requirements:
Acknowledgments: To entitle any conveyance, mortgage or instrument of writing to be recorded.
Legibility of Names: Typed or printer under each signature exactly as signed.
Name of Person Preparing Instrument: Each document affecting real estate.
Notarized Documents: Requires county residence of notary and commission expiration.
Transfer of Deeds of Taxation: Endorsement by Auditor before recording.
Endorsement of Assessor: Completed Sales Disclosure form required when property is transferring for any amount of consideration.
Release of Satisfaction of Liens: May be executed by President, Vice-President, Cashier, Secretary, Treasurer, General Manager, or Attorney-in-fact only.
Affirmation Statement: required on instrument notarized in the State of Indiana. “I affirm, under the penalties for perjury, that I have taken reasonable care to redact each Social Security Number in this document, unless required by law.” (Name) Name can be printed, typewritten, stamped, or signed.
Our staff is dedicated to providing fast and accurate service to assist you with your recording needs and search requests.
The Recorder’s office is a constitutional office dedicated to recording the vital documents that determine ownership of property (IC 36-2-11). The Recorder’s office is responsible for the preservation of a wide range of documents including deeds, mortgages, liens, leases, subdivision plats, surveys, land contracts, UCC filings, military discharges, and more. For a complete list click on the Document types page (IC 36-2-11-8).
Madison County was established on January 4th, 1823. Our historical documents come in the following formats; books, microfilm, and computer images. The books include documents from 1830’s to 1989. Our microfilm images include documents from 1989 to present. The computer images include indexed and scanned images from 1989 to the present.
Public Searches
The Recorder’s Staff will not search public records or give any legal opinions. If you know the recording information, you may request a copy from our office. Otherwise, you may come in and use one of our public access computers. You may access our records in our public access room during normal business hours Monday thru Friday, 8 am to 4 pm.
You can search recorded documents at the following link (Tapestry) 24 hours a day. Visit their website.
Free Data Only Search
For data only searches, use Direct Search.
Certificate of Assumed Business Name
The Madison County Recorder’s Office provides blank copies of the “Certification of Assumed Business Name” or sometimes referred to as “Doing Business As” documents in hard copy and for download that you may fill out and return. You may download that form from the resources section.
Because of the legal specificity that the other instruments require, no other forms or templates are provided.